Editions of 19th century GUITAR SONGS and CD recordings

The most recent addition to this catalogue is CMP 180 KENNST DU DAS LAND? - five settings of Goethe's famous Mignon text for Voice & Guitar, with text in German and English. £9.50

Note also a new book by Derek McCulloch: Der Erlkönig: Enigma and Ambiguity.  ISBN 978-1-3999-8851-3 This intriguing investigation looks at the origins of Goethe's famous poem. It's subtitle: Essay and Seven Settings of Goethe's Ballad pre-Schubert  takes us from the Scandinavian origin of the ballad to six musical settings of the poem made during Goethe's lifetime before Schubert came to compose his own famous version. Interestingly, four of the songs survive in arrangements for voice and guitar. There is also an English version for three voices by John Wall Callcott (1766-1821). The six songs are now available in a performing edition for voice & guitar: CMP181  - see the Guitar Catalogue. Guitar Music

19th CENTURY GUITAR SONGS     ISBN  978-0-9528220-7-3.   £20.00  This book has 264 pages, including 50 pages of music examples.  The volume is a general survey of the many thousands of guitar songs currently  held by the British Library which were published in the period c.1770 - 1900. A number of other collections are also mentioned. The book includes full reference to the publications, extensive notes about the myriad composers and arrangers featured, also much detail from writers and other sources of the period, as well as information from more recent research. Additions and updates (see below) will be added online, as and when they become available.

UPDATES and further information:  You are welcome to send us comments, corrections, additions or other questions relating to this book.  We cannot guarantee to have all the answers, but will do our best to make a suitable reply. Since the book was published [August 2017] we try to post any noteworthy observations from readers so that the information is available to all.  See  Guitar Song
The most recent addition to the catalogue is CMP 180 KENNST DU DAS LAND? - five settings of Goethe's famous Mignon text for Voice and Guitar, with text in German and English. 
Click here for the CD " Endearing Young Charms " The Guitar Songs of Tom Moore (1779 - 1852)
CMP 178 A STREITWOLF SONGBOOK. 12 songs by this esteemed composer from c.1800 with optional English word underlay as an alternative to the German text (both languages are included). Several of the songs have  an optional flute part as a descant with the singer. Sets of parts & a score   £12.50

CMP 179 17 SONGS by J.H.G.Streitwolf. (1779-1837) This remarkable musician and instrument maker composed a wide range of songs with guitar, many using a flute descanting with the singer . This volume rounds off the publication of all his guitar songs (see CMP 178).  Score & parts, text in German.  £11.00

CMP 180 KENNST DU DAS LAND?   Five settings of Goethe's world famous Mignon text for Voice & Guitar, with texts in German and English  Four settings are by C.F.Zelter and one by L.Abeille.  £9.50


Corda Music Publications, in collaboration with Danubia Discs, have produced a CD of twenty four German songs and ballads c.1800. These songs are with original guitar accompaniments from the early 19th century and are settings of lyrics by Johann Wolfgang Goethe and Friedrich Schiller. Printed editions of the songs are now published. See new additions to the list at Guitar Song  For more details of the Goethe & The Guitar project, with a list of the 24 songs on the CD and short biographies of the performing artists, please see below.

Discs can be ordered directly from Corda Music Publications at: : Corda Orders

For details of our published editions of the songs, click on CMP 162 - GERMAN GUITAR SONGS of the 19th Century. Information about the artists and ensembles involved in the recordings is at www.cordamusic.co.uk/concert.html .

Also available is Dr Derek McCulloch's new book: Goethe à l'anglaise. Singing the Poet's Song in a strange Land. Dr McCulloch presents a compelling case for pragmatic translation of songs in foreign languages into the language of the audience (in this case, assuming an English-speaking audience). He backs this up with outstanding translations of thirty lyrics by Goethe (and a few by Schiller). Many of these songs have been published by Corda Music — see CMP162, 163 and 166. Follow the link  To Early Music Page.     Goethe à l'anglaise  ISBN 978 0 9528220 9 7.

CD CM002 Goethe und die Gitarre In Verbindung mit DanubiaDiscs hat Corda Music Publications eine neue CD veröffentlicht, die lyrische Gedichte und Balladen vornehmlich von Joh. Wolfg. von Goethe aber auch von Friedr. Schiller auf historischen Instrumenten bringt, in Vertonungen von deutschen Kleinmeistern um 1800. Fast alle der 24 Nummern haben Originalbegleitungen für die Gitarre – einige mit zusätzlicher Traversflöte oder auch mit Tafelklavier. Gedruckten Ausgaben der aufgenommenen Lieder sind von Corda Music erhältlich. Für weitere Informationen und eine Liste der aufgenommenen Kompositionen und biographische Skizzen der Künstler und Künstlerinnen, siehe unten.

Die CD ist von Corda Music Publications erhältlich:

Email: Corda Orders oder auch von: Klassik Center Kassel

Some comments and reviews of the CD GOETHE & THE GUITAR:

It is most captivating. Recently I listened to it on shuffle mode: this brought the songs up in even more pleasing light. Man fängt an, mitzusingen! [I'm starting to sing along with it!] The soloists establish just the right feel, and sound like their counterparts 200 years ago. Good German, too. Now and then the slight differences between sung and printed texts give an almost improvised impression ... congratulations on the happy result.

Prof. Peter Skrine, formerly professor of German, Bristol University.

It‘s superb! I think it will be one of our favourites.Who could resist Erlkönig?

Nigel Reeves, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Aston University.

May I just say how much I‘m enjoying the CD. What an imaginative selection. Well done!

Howard Gaskill, Edinburgh University.

Schubert‘s lieder must have seemed initially outlandish and too much, too much. It‘s interesting to hear the two versions of der Erlkönig, the second one oddly buoyant and happy, despite the boy‘s plaintive minor (or the minor‘s plaintive boyishness). I liked tenor no. 1 especially and, of course, Jenny‘s expert fluting weaving about the melodies. And did I not hear you joining in the chorus in the Trinklied‘? So, thanks very much for a pleasant, unusual CD.

Ben Sherriff, formerly Lektor at the University of Tübingen.

... ich bin wieder in Berlin und habe auch Deine CD vorgefunden. Auf der Heimreise hörte ich oft eine 90-Minuten-Kassette mit Schuberts Goethe-Liedern im Autoradio. Der Kontrast ist höchst erfrischend. Es ist kein Wunder, dass der Geheimrat diese Vertonungen, vor allem die des Freundes Zelter, den schwierigen Schubertschen Liedern vorzog. Man kann sich vorstellen, wie er mit einem Glas Wein in der Hand beim Hauskonzert mitgesummt oder gebrummt hat. Die Aufnahmen müssen amüsant gewesen sein. Dem ”jungen Jäger• merkt man an, dass Dir diese CD besonderen Spass gemacht hat. Mir auch.

Dr Werner Kilian, formerly German Cultural Attaché in London.

[translation] Back in Berlin your CD awaited me. When driving home I would often listen to a 90 minute cassette of Schubert songs on the car radio. The contrast is most refreshing. No wonder that the Privy Councillor preferred these settings, especially those of his friend Zelter, to Schubert's difficult songs. We can imagine how he would have hummed along with the songs at home, with a glass of wine in his hand. It must have been amusing recording them. We detect in the “Junge Jäger” how much you enjoyed making the CD. I enjoyed listening, too.

The CD arrived with today‘s post and I am listening to it as I write. Congratulations on a wonderful recording!

Lorraine Byrne, Music Dept, Univ. College Dublin.

Wir haben die CD erhalten und sind sehr zufrieden. Ich habe sie schon ein paarmal angehört: Wunderschön! Ich wußte nicht, daß Engländer so ein schönes klares Deutsch singen können. Kompliment! Aber natürlich auch musikalisch ist das ein Genuß.

Giselher Stoll, Peine.

[translation] We got the CD and are very happy. I've listened to it a few times: Absolutely beautiful! I had no idea that the English could sing such good and clear German. Congratulations! It is also a delight musically.

Die CD ist vor einigen Tagen in Jena eingetroffen. Ich habe natürlich schon reingehört, d.h. einmal ganz durch. Ich finde sie rundherum gelungen: Auswahl, Sänger, Instrumente, besonders die Stücke mit ”Chor•, aber auch den Erlkönig mit Flöte. Herzlichen Glückwunsch. Ich könnte mir vorstellen, daß ich da noch weitere Abnehmer finde.

Herzliche Grüße, Franz.Koerndle, [University of Jena]

[translation] The CD arrived a few days ago in Jena. Naturally I have listened to it already, i.e. once from beginning to end. I find it a success in every way: choice of songs, singers, instruments, especially the items with chorus, but also the Erlkönig with flute. Sincere Congratulations. I'm sure I will be able to find more takers.

... it‘s really enjoyable. An excellent compilation, full of surprises. Is it commercially available in Germany??

Osman Durrani . [O.Durrani@ukc.ac.uk]

Wonderful! Congratulations! I‘ve only had time to dip into it so far, but what I‘ve heard is terrific. Your soprano is brilliant (I already know Rogers Covey-Crump‘s voice, of course), and I particularly like your good self as the Erlkönig!

Dr. Stephen Barbour,Chair of the German Sector, School of Language, Linguistics & Translation Studies, University of East Anglia.

Sehr geehrter Herr McCulloch,

haben Sie vielen Dank für die CD. Sie ist inzwischen wohlbehalten bei mir eingetroffen. Ich gratuliere Ihnen zu dieser exquisiten Produktion, die mit so viel Liebe und Einfühlungsvermögen den Zeitgeist einfängt (und dabei u. a. den Göttinger Instrumentenbauer Streitwolf einmal von einer ganz anderen Seite zeigt).

Beste Grüsse

Dr Klaus-Peter Brenner

Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

[translation] Dear Dr McCulloch, Many thanks for the CD which arrived here safe and sound. I congratulate you on this exquisite production, which so lovingly and sympathetically captures the spirit of the age (and shows Göttingen’s instrument-maker Streitwolf from a completely different side).

Wir gratulieren von Herzen, sind der Bewunderung voll! Da erschließt sich eine unbekannte Welt neben und hinter dem “klassischen” Repertoire. Hoffentlich wird das auch bemerkt und gewürdigt.

Prof. Klaus Hofmann Direktor Joh. Seb. Bach Institut, Göttingen.

[translation] Our sincerest congratulations! An unknown world is opened up alongside and beyond the 'classic' repertoire. Hopefully that will be noted and given the credit it deserves..

... some really interesting rarities. Congratulations!

Prof. D. McCaldin, Haydn Society of Great Britain

Ich bin erstaunt über den Variantenreichtum, den die sieben Akteure erreicht haben. Das fängt schon bei der überraschenden Komponistenauswahl an ... [eine] beeindruckende Einspielung ...

Prof. Dr Volkmar Hansen, Director of the Goethe-Museum Schloss Jägerhof Düsseldorf.

[translation] I am amazed by the massive variety achieved by the seven performers, beginning with the astounding collection of composers ... [an] impressive recording ...

Goethe and the Guitar CD, Early Music Review, (ed. Clifford Bartlett) December 2002

Here is a fascinating issue and let no one be put off by the seemingly flippant name of the group: Café Mozart (Proprietor Derek McCulloch). What we are offered here, in clear, well-balanced performances, and introduced by a good booklet with full texts (but lacking timings), are two dozen songs by little-known composers. Apart from the variety that four Schiller texts provide, the lyrics are all by Goethe (one or two of them of uncertain authority, or arranged). There are very attractive songs here, including settings of texts that Schubert and Wolf set incomparably – after minor composers such as Jusdorf and Methfessel, Harder and the delightfully named Streitwolf had tried their hands. One or two of the composers represented here Zelter and Zumsteeg enjoy, of course some distinction.

The performances are full of charm and spirit. Rogers Covey-Crump and the Hungarian soprano Nomi Kiss are the most frequently employed of the singers; Ian Gammie with his guitar is heard in all but three of the tracks. Katharine May on a fine square piano of 1796 and Jenny Thomas on a sweet-toned flute are heard to advantage in several numbers; Michael Sanderson (second tenor) and Derek McCulloch make telling contributions, the latter an almost Quint-like Elf-King in Bernhard Klein’s setting (one of two here of this chilling ballad). This CD is strongly recommended.

Peter Branscombe

Transcript of review in Early Music News, November 2002

Goethe and the Guitar by Café Mozart is an exploration of songs and ballads from c.1800, with guest artists Noemi Kiss and Rogers Covey-Crump. It would be easy to look at the list of obscure composers and pass this CD by, but that would be a big mistake. The music is diverse, combining words by Goethe with music for voices, guitar, flute and piano. It’s easy to forget that the Christmas carol Silent Night was originally written for tenor and guitar in 1818: this CD gives a fascinating glimpse of the world from which it came.

CMP 162 GERMAN GUITAR SONGS of the 19th Century, Book 1 £9.50     

Medium Voice, Flute and Guitar. Five settings of songs from the first decade of the 19th century, with the original flute and guitar parts. A wonderful combination of accompanying parts with exquisite songs, some on texts by J.W. von Goethe, which must surely have influenced the young Schubert. Separate parts for each performer, instrumental parts are of approx Grade 3 - 4 level of difficulty. Text in German, with an English translation given in the Introduction. See also

CMP 163 - GERMAN GUITAR SONGS of the 19th Century, Book 2 and CMP 166 - 7 GOETHE SONGS, c.1800

Several of the songs are recorded on the CD CM-002 Goethe and the Guitar. There is a special offer of 20% reduction on cost of CD when ordered together with one of these song books.

CMP 163 GERMAN GUITAR SONGS of the 19th Century, Book 2 £9.50   Medium Voice, Flute and Guitar. Five famous poems, three by Goethe, one by Schiller and one by Herder, from the first decade of the 19th century, with the original flute and guitar parts. Sehnsucht, An die Freundschaft, Schäefers Klagelied, Das Mädchen uas der Fremde, Trost. The music is by Gottlieb Streitwolf, a musician from Göttingen c.1800, who wrote delightful songs with most imaginative accompaniments - the guitar part is given florid variations in the arpeggiated accompaniments and the flute weaves a spellbinding duet with the voice. As with CMP 162 and 166, these songs were undoubtedly a formative influence on Schubert when he was a boy. Separate parts for each performer, instrumental parts are of approx Grade 4 level of difficulty. Text in German, with an English translation given in the Introduction. See also

CMP 162 - GERMAN GUITAR SONGS of the 19th Century, Book 1 and CMP 166 - 7 GOETHE SONGS, c.1800

Several of the songs are recorded on the CD CM-002 Goethe and the Guitar . There is a special offer of 20% reduction on cost of CD when ordered together with one of these song books.

CMP 164 MONOLOG der MARIA STUART £7.50 for Soprano, Flute and Guitar. A cantata by Rudolf Zumsteeg (1760 - 1802) drawn from Schiller's play about the doomed Mary Queen of Scots. Recitativo and Arias, with interlocking descant and interludes from the flute. The guitar provides continuo accompaniment throughout. Another fine example of the broad range of the guitar in Germany c.1800. Separate parts for each performer, instrumental parts are of approx Grade 5 level of difficulty. Text in German, with an English translation given in the Introduction. See also: CMP 166 SEVEN GOETHE SONGS, c.1800. This work, and more than 20 others are recorded on the CD CM-002 Goethe and the Guitar

CMP 166 SEVEN GOETHE SONGS for medium high voice and guitar £9.00 Goethe, as the greatest poet of his day, attracted many German composers with his lyrical poems, and an unusually large number were cast as guitar songs - the arch Romantic format. These seven songs, with their original guitar accompaniments from the early 19th century, cover a wide dramatic range from the simple folk-like setting of Ich ging im Walde to the drama of unrequited love and young Werther's suicide. Text in German, with an English translation given in the Introduction. Ich ging im Walde, Schäfers Klage, Der Musensohn, Ich denke dein, Der Rattenfänger aus Hameln, La Mort de Werther, Nähe des Geliebten. Separate parts for singer and guitarist. Three of the songs are given in transposed versions as well as the original key so that the whole book can be sung by medium voice.

Several of the songs are recorded on the CD CM-002 Goethe and the Guitar. There is a special offer of 20% reduction on cost of CD when ordered together with one of these song books.

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Last updated 1st March 2025

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More details will be added to this site when I get the time . . . ( . . . when you get the time ? . . who are you kidding ? . . . I'll call Workaholics Anonymous if you don't pack up and get to bed . . . do you know what time it is? . . . )